Favorite Links and Resources

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Resources, church locator, links, and much more information about the ELCA for members, leaders, and interested persons.www.elca.org
Oregon Synod
Resources, news, ministries and information about the Lutheran church in Oregon.oregonsynod.org
- Albany Helping Hands: www.albanyhelpinghands.com/
- Camp Lutherwood: www.lutherwoodoregon.org
- Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence: www.cardv.org
- Family Tree Relief Nursery: www.familytreern.org/
- Holden Village: www.holdenvillage.org
- Jackson Street Youth Shelter: www.jsysi.org
- Joys of Living Assistance Dogs: www.joydogs.org
- Living Lutheran.com: www.livinglutheran.com
- Luther House: www.luther-house.org
- Lutheran World Relief: www.lwr.org
- Oregon Synod: www.oregonsynod.org
- ReconcilingWorks: www.reconcilingworks.org
- Thrivent Financial: www.thrivent.com
- Volunteer Caregivers: volunteercaregivers.org
- Women of the ELCA: www.womenoftheelca.org